Wednesday, July 23, 2003

A consignment of thousands of rubber ducks is expected to wash up any day on the coast of New England - after more than a decade at sea. The ducks - along with other bathtub toys like beavers, turtles and frogs - fell overboard from a container ship en route from China to Seattle during a storm in 1992.

In other news, the British Government ordered the execution of Dr Kelly, in order to prevent him from confirming that they had 'sexed up' the Iraq War dossiers.

Also, US occupying forces murdered two of Saddam Husseins sons yesterday. They were not asked to surrender. The house was attacked with no warning in typical US instant judgement & execution fashion.
Surely this classifies as crime. Imperialist America is a law unto itself. No wonder the rest of the world hates Big Bully.


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