Thursday, September 16, 2004

CATHERINE MCGRATH: These are the comments by UN General Secretary Kofi Annan on BBC radio that have brought up the Iraq issue up again.

KOFI ANNAN: Oh I hope we do not see another Iraq type operation for a long time.

BBC ANNOUNCER: Done without UN approval or without clear UN approval?

KOFI ANNAN: Without UN approval and much broader support from the international community.

BBC ANNOUNCER: I wanted to ask you that. Do you think that the resolution that was passed on Iraq before the war did actually give legal authority to do what was done?

KOFI ANNAN: Well, I'm one of those who believe that there should have been a second resolution.

BBC ANNOUNCER: You don't think there was legal authority for the war?

KOFI ANNAN: I have made it… I have stated clearly that it was not in conformity with the Security Council… with the UN charter.

BBC ANNOUNCER: It was illegal?

KOFI ANNAN: Yes, if you wish.

BBC ANNOUNCER: It was illegal?

KOFI ANNAN: Yes, I've indicated it is not in conformity with the UN Charter from my point, and from the Charter point of view it was illegal.


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