Friday, June 09, 2006

Muslims demonstrated outside an East London police station today against last week’s anti-terror raid by armed officers.

In a sometimes tense stand-off, about 100 protestors were heavily outnumbered by police as fundamentalists waved placards and called for the implementation of Sharia Law in Britain.

Abdul Kahar Kalam, 23, was shot in the shoulder as he and his brother Abul Koyair Kalam, 20, were arrested in a dawn raid eight days ago in Forest Gate.

"Consequently, this will allow the police to inflict the same trauma that we have been through on another family. More brothers and sisters as a result, could be arrested, this will have an adverse affect in proving both of my brothers’ innocence."

Many of those who attended wore long thobs - traditional wear in the Gulf - and masked their faces, as did a handful of women protestors wearing burqas.

Anjem Choudary, former UK head of the Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, and right-hand man to Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, the so-called Cleric of Hate, told demonstrators: "We have a right to defend ourselves. We will defend ourselves as a community, our lives, our honour. Cowardice and Islam cannot be in the heart of a Muslim at the same time."

He added: "The Muslim community today are treated as second class citizens. There is a shoot and ask questions later policy which has been facilitated by a whole raft of Draconian laws.

"The police at the end of the day are implementing policies introduced by this government."

The noisy demonstration outside Forest Gate police station was contained within a police pen opposite. Protestors waved placards against police tactics and shouted: "Hands off Muslims. Tony Blair is a terrorist and Tony Blair, watch your back."

In a chilling aside, a statement put out by al-Ghurabaa, followers of Alh us-Sunnah Wal Jamaa, said that the killing of Muslims was the price Britons have to pay because of the ‘real terrorists in our midst’.


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