Friday, December 31, 2004
The following has been donated after 125000+ people died on Boxing Day (tsunami)
Even Spain has given more than the USA !
Britain 96.00
Sweden 80.00
France 56.18
EU 40.81
Spain 36.72
USA 35.00
Netherlands 34.00
Canada 33.00
Japan 30.00
Australia 27.00
Qatar 25.00
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Israeli troops have killed five Palestinians after tanks pushed into the southern Gaza Strip in what the army called a raid to root out militants behind mortar and rocket fire on Jewish settlements.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Any Iraqi who voted on January 30 would be an infidel, a voice purporting to be Osama bin Laden's said on a tape broadcast by the Arabic channel Al-Jazeera.
US intelligence officials said the latest tape purporting to be from the al-Qaeda leader was found likely to be genuine after a technical analysis.
The speaker on the tape also praised the Jordanian rebel leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as an "emir", or prince, of the al-Qaeda organisation in Iraq, saying he was leading the fight against "the Americans and [interim Prime Minister Iyad] Allawi's renegade government".
"The groups affiliated with him are good," the speaker said. "We were pleased with their daring operations."
In the two-minute-long message, the speaker hailed Zarqawi as a "true soldier of God".
"The constitution imposed by the American occupier [Paul] Bremer is blasphemous ... and anyone who takes part in this election consciously and willingly is an infidel," the speaker said.