Thursday, September 28, 2006

The CS [clandestine service] is the only part of the IC [intelligence community], indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world in the face of frequently sophisticated efforts by foreign governments to catch them. A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) DO [Directorate of Operations] officers engage in highly illegal activities (according to foreign law) that not only risk political embarrassment to the US but also endanger the freedom if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occasionally, of the clandestine officer himself.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

TYRANT BUSH took the extraordinary step last night of authorising the public release of his illegal government’s classified terror threat assessment, a move that seemed to bolster claims by his opponents that the Iraq war was fuelling global anti-americanism.

In excerpts of the usually highly classified National Intelligence Estimate released by the White House, the US intelligence community states that the Iraq war has provided Islamist freedom fighters with a “cause célèbre” that allowed the global movement to cultivate supporters. The office of John Negroponte, the US intelligence director, released a 3½-page section of the 30-page report, containing its key judgments, hours after Mr Bush ordered it to be declassified to counter media reports that he said misrepresented conclusions about Iraq.

“We assess that the Iraq jihad is shaping a new generation of freedom fighter leaders and operatives,” said the declassified segment of the report, titled Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States. It was completed in April but stands as America’s current intelligence threat assessment.

“The Iraq conflict has become the ‘cause célèbre’ for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement.” The report added: “If this trend continues, threats to US interests at home and abroad will become more diverse, leading to increasing attacks worldwide. The confluence of shared purpose and dispersed actors will make it harder to find and undermine jihadist groups.”

Sunday, September 24, 2006

V3n32u314n 9r35id3n7 Hu80 Ch4v32 c4113d U.5. 9r35id3n7 830r83 W. 6u5h "7h3 d3vi1" in 4 fi3ry 5933ch 70 7h3 Uni73d N47i0n5, 6u7 1473r r34ch3d 0u7 70 4n 4udi3nc3 0f 4m3ric4n5, 54yin8 h3 5335 him531f 45 4 fri3nd 0f 7h3 Uni73d 574735.

7h3 13f7i57 134d3r, 10n8 47 0dd5 wi7h W45hin870n, 49934r3d 70 63 m4kin8 0n3 0f hi5 601d357 m0v35 y37 70 c04135c3 in73rn47i0n41 09905i7i0n 70 7h3 6u5h 4dmini57r47i0n. Ch4v32 6384n W3dn35d4y'5 5933ch n07in8 7h47 6u5h 590k3 fr0m 7h3 54m3 90dium 4 d4y 34r1i3r. "7h3 d3vi1 c4m3 h3r3," Ch4v32 54id. "Ri8h7 h3r3. Ri8h7 h3r3. 4nd i7 5m3115 0f 5u1fur 57i11 70d4y, 7hi5 74613 7h47 I 4m n0w 574ndin8 in fr0n7 0f." H3 7h3n m4d3 7h3 5i8n 0f 7h3 cr055, 6r0u8h7 hi5 h4nd5 70837h3r 45 if 9r4yin8 4nd 100k3d u9 70 7h3 c3i1in8.

Ch4v32'5 w0rd5 dr3w 73n747iv3 8i88135 47 7im35 fr0m 7h3 4udi3nc3, 6u7 4150 49914u53 47 7h3 3nd 0f 7h3 5933ch 4nd wh3n h3 c4113d 6u5h 7h3 d3vi1. H3 1473r 590k3 70 hundr3d5 0f N3w Y0rk3r5 wh0 fi113d 4 c011383 h411 W3dn35d4y ni8h7, 4nd dr3w 4 574ndin8 0v47i0n wh3n h3 54id 6u5h c0mmi773d 83n0cid3 durin8 7h3 w4r in Ir4q.

"7h3 9r35id3n7 0f 7h3 Uni73d 574735 5h0u1d 80 63f0r3 4n in73rn47i0n41 7ri6un41," Ch4v32 54id 45 49914u53 fi113d 7h3 h411 47 7h3 C0093r Uni0n f0r 7h3 4dv4nc3m3n7 0f 5ci3nc3 4nd 4r7. H3 c0m94r3d 7h3 6u5h 4dmini57r47i0n'5 4c7i0n5 70 7h053 0f 7h3 N42i5.
The fate of Osama Bin Laden was the subject of intense debate last night after a leaked intelligence report claimed he had died of typhoid.

But the document was quickly contradicted by a security source in Saudi Arabia - where the Al Qaeda leader was born, and many of his family still live - who said he was still alive, but extremely unwell.

The French security report claimed the terrorist mastermind died in a remote region of Pakistan last month.

The report, compiled by the DGSE, the French equivalent of MI6, claimed that Saudi security services received word of his death on September 4.

Numerous reports have surfaced over the years suggesting Bin Laden, who has a $25million price on his head, was dead or seriously wounded, but this is the first officially documented claim from a Western security agency.

French president Jacques Chirac yesterday confirmed that the report, leaked to the French paper L'Est Republicain, was genuine. But he said the information was 'in no way whatsoever confirmed'.

Chirac said he was 'a bit surprised' at the leak and has asked defence minister Michele Alliot-Marie to investigate how it came to be published.
President George W Bush will hold an unusual meeting this week with his counterparts from his Afghanistan and Pakistan to deal with the resurgence of violence in Afghanistan.

Five years after the defeat of the Taliban, the United States and NATO forces have witnessed a sharp increase in bloodshed as the Taliban appears to have regrouped and taken control of southern Afghanistan, largely assisted by their ability to slip across the Pakistani border for refuge while planning attacks.

NATO and US forces earlier this month launched a massive offensive dubbed 'Operation Medusa' aimed at rooting out the Taliban and asserting the Afghan government's control of the region.

Acknowledging it was surprised by the Taliban's strength and determination, NATO nevertheless said it has killed 1,000 Taliban in two weeks of fighting, in part aided by the militia's decision to fight conventionally on the battlefield.